Monday, January 28, 2019

I Want My RSP

IIII waaaaaant myyyyyy R.S.P.... (to the tune of MTV - Dire Straights).

Yeah that's right EA and DICE, we want our RSP and we want it ASAP.  With the delayed release, the horrible problems with the netcode, TTK, TTD or whatever you want to call it.  Enough is enough!

Platoons and competitive players are what keeps this game essentially ticking. The fact that Comp players from the same platoon load into servers, slay and actively recruit; keeps players interested in the game!

Lets face it, it was a rough start, got it. Lets plant our asses in those chairs and get cranking on adding that little bit of code to make it so us Comp guys don't get bored. Or third-party it like you are with you Battle Royale mode... if that every happens. Will you lose money? Sure! Will your fans be happy and stay playing your games? Yes! Will that lead to more money in the future? Yes!


That is all,

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