Come on really? Its a video game, its not realistic in many aspects and the addition of women is, in fact, A MONEY MAKING MECHANIC! Don't let equality fool you, it's just a marketing ploy to get more women and girls involved with gaming which, as we all know, is a hot new idea since well that whole women's movement thing.
Personally, I highly enjoy there being women in the game, especially when I shoot them! They do let out the most curdling screams by far and are quite hilarious to hear. They also make for a great beacon to their fellow players to come revive and get sniped too. BOOM head shot, ohh yeah "Nice try medic, probably should clear the area around a dead body first, because well... THEY DIDN'T DIE OF THEIR OWN WILL!" silly medics.
Well anyways, the release of Battlefield V came a month late and as we all know, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 didn't (hooray for Activision). But, that being said, I feel that COD may have stolen a fair bit of players from Battlefield just because it came out earlier and was, in fact, a great game (review to come). Not to mention the release of another long awaited and big hitting title; Red Dead Redemption 2, also amazing (solo gameplay that is, review to come).
With the release of two top-tier titles, it's no wonder why EA is scrambling to find ways to get this game sold. They've even go so far as to offer it at 50% off for previous Battlefield 1 owners... Uh hello, it came out less than a month ago and its 50% off??? Well there goes $70 on the deluxe version I will never get back. Glad I pre-ordered and paid for a game that is now $30.
All that aside, I am a Battlefield fan and competitive player. SO MAYBE I am a little bias, but I do really like Battlefield V. The gameplay feels smooth and less arcade like than Battlefield 1. Guns look great and sound awesome, the character customization is neat and gives you a sense of personalization and the new unlock system and rewards give players something to grind for; and not just play endless hours of Multiplayer as a sniper laying in a head glitch getting 5 kills per game because no one goes that way... Yeah I'm talking to you lousy campers.
With the release of Tides of War (less than a month +1 day, damn it DICE) and a new map and campaign mission. It seems that EA learned from its Battlefront debacle and is making everything FREE, hooray for the poor kids whose parents hate them and don't want to buy premium passes. But joking aside, nice job EA and way to not follow the trends of so many other companies and make a game that only needs to be purchased ONCE. Now if only you could also put a halt to this micro-transaction pay to win stuff too... Oh... Oh wait nope you didn't.
"Introducing Battlefield Currency, an all new pay to get cosmetics system where you, the gamer, can sit back - get bottom of the score board and not pick up your squadmates every round - and still rock the latest in the most bad-ass player gear reserved for those who are total savages." - How I imagine DICE wouldn't advertise it.
Well thankfully it is not really a pay to win, since you cannot purchase weapons upgrades and skills with it (yet... but with the tanking sales, who knows what they'll do). Yet, still is technically since you need to win to get company coin to buy outfits so... Meh... Its pay to win.
Overall though, I believe that Battlefield V is going to do pretty well for those who are fans of the series and for those looking for a break away from the Call of Duty and Fortnite mania and really broaden their video gaming skills. (BTW Fortnite has done wonders for not having lobbies full of 8 year old little shits, thanks). For the time being, it has a lot of kinks that still need to be worked out in order to run at its optimal smoothness. The game really does look graphically amazing and has some great mechanics aside from some issues. But I have hope for Battlefield V and believe it will deliver some great content throughout the games life and be a staple for how games should operate in the future.
Well I am off to mow down countless enemy with my MMG on Panzerstorm.
Till next time